I am firing following query
Transaction tx3 = session.beginTransaction(); Query query3 = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT SYSTIMESTAMP FROM DUAL"); Object x = (Object)query3.uniqueResult(); //line 3 System.out.println(x); tx3.commit();
while executing line 3 i am getting following error
exceptiontsorg.hibernate.MappingException: No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: -101
I am getting same exception with the following query also
/* String dateQuery = "select to_timestamp_tz( to_char(TO_DATE('19700101000000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') ,'mm/ddyyyy hh24:mi:ss'),'mm/ddyyyy hh24:mi:ss TZH:TZM')"+ "at time zone 'america/los_angeles' from dual"; Query dateQueryTZ = session.createSQLQuery(dateQuery);*/
Can any one tell me how to fix this and get the timestamp value. Please tell me if any alternative are there for the above query.
Thanks in advance Partha