Hi I used a criteria to join two tables and the following sql was executed.
select a.id as id, a.details as details, event2_.EVENT_ID as EVENT1, event2_.ASSET as ASSET2_28_0_, event2_.SCORE as SCORE28_0_, event3_.EVENT_ID as EVENT2, riskevent3_.ASSET as ASSET2_28_1_, event3_.SCORE as SCORE28_1_ from ORDERHISTORY a, EVENT event2_, EVENT event3_ where a.EVENT_ID=event2_.EVENT_ID(+) and event2_.PARENT_EVENT_ID=event3_.EVENT_ID(+) and a.ORDER_ID=?
As Iam using Criteria I do not want to include any columns related to event3 and do want to include condition "event2_.PARENT_EVENT_ID=event3_.EVENT_ID(+)".
Here is my Criteria Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(OrderHistory.class);
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("OrderId", "1124")); criteria.setFetchMode("B", FetchMode.JOIN);
Class History { @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="EVENT_ID") private Event event; ..... other columns }
Class B {
@ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="EVENT_ID") private Event event; .... Other columns }
Class Event {
@ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="PARENT_EVENT_ID") private Event event;
..... Other columns here...
The problem is in Event class i have reference to same Event as parent id. So my query is by using criteria can we ignore the event3 related conditions and columns.