Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:35 pm Posts: 2
I use hibernate with proxool as second level cache provider. It works fine but there is an issue. when I concurrently open more connections than the configured maximum-connection-count (for example, I use 7 threads to hit the pool when the maximum-connection-count is 5. I will get "ProxoolException: ConnectionCount is 5. Maximum connection count of 5 cannot be exceeded."). I tried to set hibernate.connection.pool_size to 1 but doesn't help. I expect that the 6th and 7th requests (suppose I have 7 requests total) will wait until there are available connections.
the hibernate used is 4.2.1.Final and proxool is 0.8.3 (it comes with hibernate-proxxol. I manually put the 0.9.1 proxool jar under lib but still get the same error)
really appreciate any help.