I'm facing a weard problem when I'm setting hibernate.cache.use_query_cache="true" in my persistence.xml and deploy the application on JBoss EAP 6.1.0-Final.
Just by setting such property, when I try to visualize registered MBeans (by opening jboss-eap-6.1.0\bin\jconsole.bat, connecting locally to the JBoss process and navigatingto MBeans tab), I see nothing but a blank tab. I can´t even see the basic MBeans that are usually registered (like jboss.* or java.lang.* MBeans).
If I set the property to false or remove it from my persistence.xml, everything works fine, i.e., I can see and manage MBeans from JConsole.
I don't know if the bug (if there is any) is actually in Hibernate code or in JBoss code, but in any case I don´t know where to look at to fix this. Can anyone help me get both things working (Hibernate query cache and MBeans management through JConsole distributed in JBoss EAP installation)?
To help isolate and reproduce the problem, I built a simple EAR with minimum resources required to reproduce this issue and posted to JBoss Community Forum (if someon is interested, it can be downloaded from link [1]).
[1] https://community.jboss.org/thread/233421
Note: The only external requirements to deploy the EAR are JBoss EAP 6.1.0-Final installation (obviously) and the presence of the default datasource that comes in original EAP distribution ("java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS").