Hi to all, I have a strange problem that is making me lose a lot of time. I'm using: - Hibernate core: 4.2.3 - HibernateValidator 4.3.1 - Hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.1
I have a simple namedQuery in an @Entity Java class "select dog from Dog dog where dog.id=:idDog"
The problem is that hibernate validator doesn't let me call the indentify variable with the same name of the table. In previous version of hibernate (3.3.2), this works but when I updated to this version all started to fail. This is the error for this query: An identification variable must not have the same name as any entity in the same persistence unit.
There is any parameter to enable case sensibility between indentifiy variables and table names? Is a bug?
Thanks. Regards