Hi everyone,
I'm using the play framework and I have several entities :
public class Player extends Model {
public enum Gender {
public String name;
public Gender gender;
public Long gold;
public class Building extends Model {
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
public Player owner;
public String buildingType;
public Long buildingId;
public class Stock extends Model {
// Either a product type or a raw material
public Long goodId;
public Boolean isProduct;
public String image;
public class Contract extends Model {
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
public Player player;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
public Building building;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
public Stock stock;
public Long ordersLeft;
public Long cyclesLeft;
What I would like to do is to retrieve all the Contracts with their associated Building, Stock and Player.
Here is the query :
public static List<Contract> retrieveContractsForNewOrder() {
return find("select distinct c from Contract c "
+ "left join fetch c.player "
+ "left join fetch c.stock "
+ "left join fetch c.building "
+ "where c.cyclesLeft = 0 and c.ordersLeft > 0").fetch();
The query seems correct, I'm retrieving the correct Contracts, the associated Building and Stock but not the associated Player.
For the player, the class is Player_$$_javassist_22 and it has a handler with this value : JavassistLazyInitializer.
That means that the Player has not been loaded via the query and will be loaded as soon as I will use it (via another query). But that's not what I want, I want it to be loaded via my previous query at the same time the Contracts and their associated Building and Stock are loaded.
I don't know why the Player is not loaded : players exist in database and everything is correct.
When I enable the log of the queries and the results I can see that the query is correct (the joins are correct and all the fields from all entities are in the select).
However the results are not correct : I have all the contracts with all the fields of the contract. I also have all fields of the Stock entity, but I have no field from Building and Player entities ...
What is wrong with the results ? Why am I not retrieving the Player and Building's fields ?
When I try to copy the query issued by Hibernate and execute it directly in MySQL I have correct results with all fields (from Contract, Building, Stock and Player).
Why is there a difference between results from Hibernate and results from MySQL ? (Hibernate is using the same MySQL database).
Thank you for your help