Hi, I have an entity A, which has entity B and B has entity C : A -> B -> (collection of C) I want to form a criteria query and select all columns from A, all columns from B and specific columns from C. I wrote a query using Criteria and Projections, but its querying only the specified columns of entity C and none from A or B.
Here is my query : Criteria crit = s.createCriteria(A.class, "tableA") .add(Restrictions.eq("Id", 100)) .createAlias("b", "tableB") .createAlias("tableB.c", "tableC"); ProjectionList proList = Projections.projectionList(); proList.add(Projections.property("tableC.prop1")); proList.add(Projections.property("tableC.prop2")); proList.add(Projections.property("tableC.prop3")); crit.setProjection(proList); crit.setResultTransformer(Criteria.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP);
Can somebody tell me how can I tune this query ? Thanks much in advance.