Hi everybody,
I have a problem with my Hibernate Mapping. I have three files, each of them is the mapping of one hibernate class:
Proyectos.hbm.xml: Proyectos class
UnidadesEmpresa.hbm.xml: UnidadesEmpresa class
CliUniEmps.hbm.xml; CliUniEmp class
I have a problem related with the last one. Its code is this:
<class name="com.dmsti.dominio.CliUniEmp" table="clientes_uniemps" lazy="false" catalog="dms_hrm">
<id name="id" type="java.lang.Integer">
<column name="id" />
<generator class="identity" />
<many-to-one name="cliente" entity-name="com.dmsti.dominio.Cliente"
column="cliente_id" unique="false" not-null="false" />
<many-to-one name="unidadEmpresa" entity-name="com.dmsti.dominio.UnidadEmpresa"
column="uniemp_id" unique="false" not-null="false" />
All the files are properly related by hibernate.cfg.xml and all of them usually work. Now let me explain my current problem deeply.
1. In my Hibernate file
Proyectos.hbm.xml I have a reference to an entity called
cliUniEmp which is defined bellow, in CliUniEmps.hbm.xml (and whose table is clientes_uniemps).
Code 1. Code:
<many-to-one name="cliUniEmp" entity-name="com.dmsti.dominio.CliUniEmp"
column="cli_uniemp_id" unique="false" not-null="false" />
2. In
UnidadesEmpresa.hbm.xml there is another reference to the same table.
Code 2. Code:
<set name="clientes" table="clientes_uniemps" catalog="dms_hrm"
inverse="false" lazy="false" fetch="select" cascade="all" >
<column name="uniemp_id" not-null="true" />
<many-to-many entity-name="com.dmsti.dominio.Cliente">
<column name="cliente_id" not-null="true" />
3. Both codes work properly when just one of them exists. If I remove the set "clientes" (code 2) from
UnidadesEmpresa.hbm.xml then the
many-to-one entity "cliUniEmp" (code 1) works without any problems. In the same way, if I remove code 1 then code 2 works perfectly.
4. If both are at the same time in my application, Hibernate launch an exception:
org.hibernate.MappingException: Foreign key (FKE442A80E4FB5975E:proyectos [cli_uniemp_id])) must have same number of columns as the referenced
primary key (clientes_uniemps [uniemp_id,cliente_id])
I became stuck! Please, can you help me?