I have a couple of HQL queryes that takes rather more time that they should. I am trying to improve the execution time by modifying the queries and I dont know how. Perhaps I am missing something. The first query:
SELECT linkResult.url AS url, linkResult.title AS title,
(SELECT MIN(r.linkQuery.queryDate.date)
FROM LinkResult r
WHERE r.linkQuery.domain=linkQuery.domain
AND r.url=linkResult.url) AS indexedDate
FROM CompetitiveEntity entity,
IN(entity.domains) domain,
LinkQuery linkQuery,
IN(linkQuery.results) linkResult
LEFT JOIN FETCH linkResult.url.hostname
WHERE entity.id=2062
AND (linkResult.url.hostname NOT MEMBER entity.domains)
AND (linkQuery.domain=domain)
AND (linkQuery.id=(SELECT MAX(lastQuery.id)
FROM LinkQuery lastQuery
WHERE lastQuery.domain=domain
AND SIZE(lastQuery.results) > 0 ) )
GROUP BY linkResult.url
ORDER BY linkResult.url
The second one:
SELECT subscription.term.id, subscription, termQueryPrev.provider.name,
MIN(termResultPrev.position) as prevPosition, MIN(termResultCurrent.position) as currentPosition,
MIN(cast(termResultCurrent.position as integer)) - MIN(cast(termResultPrev.position as integer)) as change
FROM TermSubscription subscription,
TermQuery termQueryPrev,
IN(termQueryPrev.results) termResultPrev,
TermQuery termQueryCurrent,
IN(termQueryCurrent.results) termResultCurrent
WHERE subscription.account.id= :accountId
AND termQueryPrev.term=subscription.term
AND termQueryCurrent.term=subscription.term
AND termQueryCurrent.provider.id=termQueryPrev.provider.id
AND termQueryPrev.queryDate.yearWeek = YEARWEEK(FROM_DAYS(TO_DAYS(current_date) - 7), 1)
AND termQueryCurrent.queryDate.yearWeek = YEARWEEK(:endDate,1)
AND termResultPrev.url.hostname MEMBER subscription.account.domains
AND termResultCurrent.url.hostname MEMBER subscription.account.domains
GROUP BY subscription.term.id, termQueryPrev.queryDate.yearWeek,termQueryPrev.provider.id
HAVING MIN(cast(termResultCurrent.position as integer)) != MIN(cast(termResultPrev.position as integer))
ORDER BY ABS(MIN(cast(termResultCurrent.position as integer)) - MIN(cast(termResultPrev.position as integer))) DESC
I stress the fact that I am looking for a better way to improve the current HQL query construction.
Thank you.