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 Post subject: hbm.xml many-to-many with composite key question
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:38 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:26 pm
Posts: 1
Hibernate n00b here. I've been looking for an answer to this, but my google-fu has turned up nothing.

So, I've got four tables: A, B, C, and ABJoin.

Tables A and B have a many-to-many relationship through ABJoin making ABJoin's structure look like the following:
AID int
BID int
primary key(AID, BID)

HOWEVER, references between A and B can have duplicates, which is enabled by references to table C which changes the structure of
ABJoin to:
AID int
BID int
CID int
primary key(AID, BID, CID)

Now, values in table A and B don't care about the existence of table C. The only table that cares about C is ABJoin, and only for the where clauses of the queries.

How in God's name do I define this relationship in my hbm.xml file for my A and B objects?

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