I recently migrated an API service of mine from Hibernate 3.6.7 to Hibernate 4.1.7. Now, I get the following exception very frequently org.hibernate.TransactionException: nested transactions not supported at org.hibernate.engine.transaction.spi.AbstractTransactionImpl.begin(AbstractTransactionImpl.java:152) at org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.beginTransaction(SessionImpl.java:1392)
The exception happens randomly on some APIs but doesn't get reproduced every time. The exception is intermittent.
I made sure to use one single transaction for a function and not creating a nested transaction anywhere in my code. Following is a sample code snippet where the exception happens sometimes :
@Override public ApiResponse<BaseModel> getLanguages() { List<BaseModel> result = null; Integer total; Transaction trans = null; try { trans = dictionaryDao.beginTransaction(); total = dictionaryDao.getLanguagesCount().intValue(); List<LanguageMaster> languageDOList = dictionaryDao.getLanguages(); result = new ArrayList<BaseModel>(); result = format(languageDOList); trans.commit(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (trans != null) trans.rollback(); throw e; } return getResponse(result); }
The function dictionaryDao.begintransaction is defined as below :
public Transaction beginTransaction() { getCurrentSession().setFlushMode(FlushMode.COMMIT); Transaction t = getCurrentSession().beginTransaction(); return t; }
The exception occurs while beginning the transaction in dictionaryDao.begintransaction at Transaction t = getCurrentSession().beginTransaction();.
We are using BoneCP as the connection pool provider.
Can someone provide any help on how to get around this random error ?
Thanks, Rajat