Hi i am trying to use the decode function in below mentioned HQL query in hibernate 3 in which i am setting :LANG_CODE as parameter but I am getting exception while running this
SELECT DECODE(:LANG_CODE,0,strUid_Desc,1,strUid_Desc_1,2,strUid_Desc_2,strUid_Desc), udsIdDefnInstance.strUid_Id FROM UdsIdDefnVO
its giving me this error ---------------------------------------------------------------- No data type for node: org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.MethodNode +-[METHOD_CALL] MethodNode: '(' | +-[METHOD_NAME] IdentNode: 'DECODE' {originalText=DECODE} | \-[EXPR_LIST] SqlNode: 'exprList' | +-[NAMED_PARAM] ParameterNode: '?' {name=LANG_CODE, expectedType=null} | +-[NUM_INT] LiteralNode: '0' | +-[DOT] DotNode: 'udsiddefnv0_.UID_DESC'
Its breaking my head,i googled it but didn't get any solutions. Is any one having idea on setting parameter to decode function in HQL query will work or not..???if works then how can i achive this.!!!
Any help would be greatly appreciated....:)