I've got trapped in the same problem and decided to share my solution.
I build my own
EmbeddedSequenceGenerator which will, when well configured, allow to set a generated value in an embeddedId.
Use case is very simple but it worked for me.
Hope it'll help :
package org.hibernate.id;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.type.PrimitiveType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
* Sequence generator for specified field in EmbeddedId.<br />
* This Generator needs multiple properties to be set :
* <ul><li>className : the class name of the entity persisted</li>
* <li>idGetterMethod : the getterMethod name for the id</li>
* <li>idClassName : the class name of the EmbeddedId</li>
* <li>idClassHibernateType : the class name of the Generated Value by Hibernate</li>
* <li>generatedFieldGetterMethod : the getter method on the id for the generated value</li>
* <li>generatedFieldSetterMethod : the setter method on the id for the generated value</li>
* </ul>
* Example of use :
* @GenericGenerator(
* name = "OPERATION_ID_SEQ",
* strategy = "fr.sfr.sivpn.persistance.sequence.EmbeddedSequenceGenerator",
* parameters =
* {
* @Parameter(name = "sequence", value = "ID_RTE_SEQ"),
* @Parameter(name = "className", value = "fr.sfr.sivpn.persistance.entity.engine.OperationEntity"),
* @Parameter(name = "idGetterMethod", value = "getId"),
* @Parameter(name = "idClassName", value = "fr.sfr.sivpn.persistance.entity.ids.OperationId"),
* @Parameter(name = "generatedFieldGetterMethod", value = "getIdOp"),
* @Parameter(name = "idClassHibernateType", value = "org.hibernate.type.LongType"),
* @Parameter(name = "generatedFieldSetterMethod", value = "setIdOp")
* })
* @author lschoelens
* @version 1.0
* @since 1.0 (2012/10/19)
public class EmbeddedSequenceGenerator extends SequenceGenerator
/** Entity class param name. */
public static final String CLASS_NAME = "className";
/** Paramètre pour définir le getter de l'id sur l'entité. */
public static final String ID_GETTER_METHOD = "idGetterMethod";
/** Paramètre pour définir la classe de l'id de l'entité. */
public static final String ID_CLASS_NAME = "idClassName";
/** Paramètre pour définir la classe hibernate de l'id de l'entité. */
public static final String ID_CLASS_HIBERNATE_TYPE = "idClassHibernateType";
/** Paramètre pour définir le getter du champ généré. */
public static final String ID_GETTER_GENERATED_FIELD = "generatedFieldGetterMethod";
/** Paramètre pour définir le setter du champ généré. */
public static final String ID_SETTER_GENERATED_FIELD = "generatedFieldSetterMethod";
/** La classe de l'entité. */
private Class<?> clazz;
/** La méthode de récupération de l'id. */
private java.lang.reflect.Method getterMethod;
/** La classe de l'entité. */
private Class<?> idClazz;
/** La classe hibernate de l'id généré au sein de l'id. */
private Type idType;
/** La méthode de récupération de la valeur à générer sur l'id. */
private java.lang.reflect.Method getterGeneratedValueMethod;
/** La méthode de récupération de la valeur à setter sur l'id. */
private java.lang.reflect.Method setterGeneratedValueMethod;
* Configure the super generator with right HibernateType for the generated value.<br />
* Then configure methods access and class names for the generation process.
* TODO : add a way to access property directly.
* @see org.hibernate.id.SequenceGenerator#configure(
* org.hibernate.type.Type, java.util.Properties, org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect)
public void configure(Type type, Properties params, Dialect dialect)
throws MappingException
final String idTypeName = params.getProperty(ID_CLASS_HIBERNATE_TYPE);
if (idTypeName == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_CLASS_HIBERNATE_TYPE + " property cannot be null");
Class<?> clazzType = Class.forName(idTypeName);
idType = (Type) clazzType.newInstance();
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_CLASS_HIBERNATE_TYPE + " is unknown class", e);
catch (ClassCastException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_CLASS_HIBERNATE_TYPE + " is not a Type class", e);
catch (InstantiationException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_CLASS_HIBERNATE_TYPE + " cannot be instantiated", e);
catch (IllegalAccessException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_CLASS_HIBERNATE_TYPE + " cannot be accessed", e);
super.configure(idType, params, dialect);
* Init method for fields.
* @param params - Parameters in annotation.
private void initFields(Properties params)
final String className = params.getProperty(CLASS_NAME);
if (className == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(CLASS_NAME + " property cannot be null");
clazz = Class.forName(className);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(CLASS_NAME + " is unknown class", e);
final String idGetterMethod = params.getProperty(ID_GETTER_METHOD);
if (idGetterMethod == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_GETTER_METHOD + " property cannot be null");
getterMethod = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(idGetterMethod);
catch (SecurityException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_GETTER_METHOD + " cannot be access : security violation", e);
catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_GETTER_METHOD + " does not exists", e);
final String classNameId = params.getProperty(ID_CLASS_NAME);
if (classNameId == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_CLASS_NAME + " property cannot be null");
idClazz = Class.forName(classNameId);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_CLASS_NAME + " is unknown class", e);
Class<?> idClazzValue = idType.getReturnedClass();
final String idGeneratedValueGetterMethod = params.getProperty(ID_GETTER_GENERATED_FIELD);
if (idGeneratedValueGetterMethod == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_GETTER_GENERATED_FIELD + " property cannot be null");
getterGeneratedValueMethod = idClazz.getDeclaredMethod(idGeneratedValueGetterMethod);
catch (SecurityException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_GETTER_GENERATED_FIELD + " cannot be access : security violation", e);
catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_GETTER_GENERATED_FIELD + " does not exists", e);
final String idGeneratedValueSetterMethod = params.getProperty(ID_SETTER_GENERATED_FIELD);
if (idGeneratedValueSetterMethod == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_SETTER_GENERATED_FIELD + " property cannot be null");
setterGeneratedValueMethod = idClazz.getDeclaredMethod(idGeneratedValueSetterMethod, idClazzValue);
catch (SecurityException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_SETTER_GENERATED_FIELD + " cannot be access : security violation", e);
catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(ID_SETTER_GENERATED_FIELD + " does not exists", e);
* Access the id of the current entity and generate value if and only if generated value to be set is null.
* TODO Direct access to id field and value field
* @see org.hibernate.id.SequenceGenerator#generate(org.hibernate.engine.SessionImplementor, java.lang.Object)
public synchronized Serializable generate(SessionImplementor session, Object obj)
throws HibernateException
if (obj.getClass().equals(clazz))
Serializable idObj = (Serializable) getterMethod.invoke(obj);
if (idObj == null)
idObj = (Serializable) idClazz.newInstance();
if (idObj.getClass().equals(idClazz))
Object id = getterGeneratedValueMethod.invoke(idObj);
if (isNullOrDefault(id))
id = super.generate(session, obj);
setterGeneratedValueMethod.invoke(idObj, id);
return idObj;
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
throw new HibernateException(e);
catch (IllegalAccessException e)
throw new HibernateException(e);
catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException e)
throw new HibernateException(e);
catch (InstantiationException e)
throw new HibernateException(e);
return super.generate(session, obj);
* Check if the id is null or default in case of PrimitiveType.
* @param id - the id
* @return {@link Boolean} - <code>true</code> in case idType is <code>null</code> or default value
private boolean isNullOrDefault(Object id)
if (idType instanceof PrimitiveType<?>)
return id == null || ((PrimitiveType<?>) idType).getDefaultValue().equals(id);
return id == null;
With an example :
Entity class :
@Table(name = "MY_TABLE")
@GenericGenerator(name = "MY_SEQ",
strategy = "org.hibernate.id.EmbeddedSequenceGenerator",
parameters =
@Parameter(name = "sequence", value = "MY_SEQ_NAME"),
@Parameter(name = "className", value = "my.package.OperationEntity"),
@Parameter(name = "idGetterMethod", value = "getId"),
@Parameter(name = "idClassName", value = "my.package.OperationId"),
@Parameter(name = "generatedFieldGetterMethod", value = "getIdOp"),
@Parameter(name = "idClassHibernateType", value = "org.hibernate.type.LongType"),
@Parameter(name = "generatedFieldSetterMethod", value = "setIdOp")
public class OperationEntity implements Serializable
/** Id. */
private OperationId id;
* @return {@link OperationId} - the id
@GeneratedValue(generator = "OPERATION_ID_SEQ")
public synchronized OperationId getId()
// Create new if null to avoid NPE erro
if (id == null)
id = new OperationId();
return id;
* @param id - the id
public void setId(OperationId id)
this.id = id;
// Other properties
Id class :
* My EmbeddedId for OperationEntity class.
public class OperationId implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7269582911420970707L;
/** Generated id with sequence. */
private Long idOp;
/** Other field setted by user. */
private Date sendDate;
public OperationId()
// Default : no id
this(null, new Date());
public OperationId(final Long anIdOp, final Date aSendDate)
this.idOp = anIdOp;
this.sendDate = aSendDate;
* @return {@link Long} - Generated id
@Column(name = "ID")
public Long getIdOp()
return idOp;
* @param idOp - Generated id
public void setIdOp(Long idOp)
this.idOp = idOp;
* @return {@link Date} - Other field
@Column(name = "SEND_DATE", nullable = false)
public Date getSendDate()
return sendDate;
* @param sendDate - Other field
public void setSendDate(Date sendDate)
this.sendDate = sendDate;
With some work, it could be fully operationnal even for non getter / setter field access (idOp would be public in this case).