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 Post subject: Query for Many-to-Many Mapping
PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 10:17 pm 

Joined: Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:36 am
Posts: 3
I am dealing with a scenario with a Many-to-Many mapping which is just like the example in Employee to Project through a Join table (ProjectAssociation) with other data in join table. This example is being mentioned so many times. This works fine for me. But I want to retrieve a List of Employees that are allocated to a given Project whom also belong to a given department. The department is a field in the Employee class. When I retrieve the list of Employess, i want them populated with the ProjectAssociations list as well since I can get the project information of employees of that particular department. Following are the entities. They are not complete. I want to just show how my Employee class is.

public class Employee
private Long Id;

private Department department;

private List<ProjectAssocation> projects;
private class Department
private Long id;

private String name;
public class ProjectAssociation
private Long employeeId;

private Long projectId;

private Employee employee;

private Project project;
public class Project
private Long id;

private String projectName;

private List<ProjectAssociation> employees;
Can someone please tell me the query to get the List of Employees belonging to a specific department (say Engineering) who have been allocated to Project(say Hibernate)

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