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 Post subject: Hibernate mapping
PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:45 pm 

Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:20 pm
Posts: 1
Hi I am new to Hibernate, but have JPA exp. Here is the thing I need to do.
I have 3 tables called Instructor, student, Schedule. Instructor, student are on same schema say Schema1.
Schedule is another schema, Schema2.
Instructor has 4 COMPOSITE KEYS(PKs). same as with student and schedhule.
here is sql:(Here I am just giviing the columns that I want to join but there are many also some of the remaining are composite keys)
SELECT Schema1.Instructor I, Schema1.student s, schema2.Schedule sc
WHERE I.Id=s.Id and I.code = s.code and I.className = Sc.className (all are one-one mapping) and I.DeptNo = ? (means we are passing)

NOW Since I am new to Hibernate I have so many questions:
Basic questions:
1. Do I have to have map all columns which are composite keys? or simply can I select the one I need and omit other columns?
2. How to write the hbm.configs for those? I have to use xml only NO annotations pls.

Here are thoughts:
1.Create pojo for Instructor
2.inside Instructor declare/get/set 2 pojos as private Student student, private Schedule schedule;
3.and in Student, Schedule pojos declare/add get/set for what the fields that we need
4. in .hbm.xml how can I join those?Do I have to have 3 hbm.xml and those 3 are configured in hbm-config-xml?
5. finally in instructor class use CreateCriteria then add those 2 pojos Student, Schdule as alias?
will this work? pls give me some input, I am working on my class project.

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