Does anyone know if it's possible to extract REGEXP values using named Parameters in Hibernate Native SQL Query?
I have a SQLQuery created using the sessionFactory - the query below runs good when the parameters are embedded into the sql as below: .... sql ... sql += "(r.title REGEXP '[[:<:]]" + crit.getKeyword() + "[[:>:]]' ) or (r.annotation REGEXP '[[:<:]]" + crit.getKeyword() + "[[:>:]]') or (r.author REGEXP '[[:<:]]" + crit.getKeyword() + "[[:>:]]'))";
//I changed the above sql to use named parameters (:reg) sql += "(r.title REGEXP :reg) or (r.annotation REGEXP :reg) or (r.author REGEXP :reg))"; ... SQLQuery sqlQuery = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sql); ....
String s1 += "'[[:<:]]" + crit.getKeyword() + "[[:>:]]'"; //set the string for the named parameter: sqlQuery.setString("reg", s1); //am unable to extract the values for the REGEXP out to be used as named Parameters
Would appreciate if anyone has any insight. Thanks in advance! :-)