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 Post subject: Using idbag with many-to-many join table with attributes?
PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 12:08 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:41 am
Posts: 20
There are legitimate situations when I want to use idbag in a join table for many-to-many associations with attributes. In other words, I want to create a new surrogate id in the join table of many-to-many associations with attributes. This is not directly documented in Hibernate documentation and even in the popular books about Hibernate (see references below).


All classes are mapped as entity, not components.

I can have class-a associated with class-b through a many-to-many join table with attributes encapsulated by class-c. Here is the diagram for that.

class-a 1<---->*class-c*<---->1 class-b

In this case, we know that the id for class-c is a composite-id of the id of both class-a, class-b. I mapped all classes as entity, not component because each can have associations to other classes not illustrated here.

The problem starts when the same class class-c illustrated above has associations with other classes. Suppose class-c has an association one-to-many with class-x.

class-c 1<---->*class-x

Now a composite id of two long integer has to be carried over as a foreign key into class-x. But this is manageable and often done in Hibernate. I could live with that. But there is an even worse case than that, where carrying over big composite ids becomes problematic.

I will describe this problematic situation here. In my application (which is a social network application), I have two classes like class-c and they are associated with each other by yet again a join table with attributes. This new join table class now has a composite id made of 4 long integers. That does not make sense for me. That's a bit much in my opinion. I am looking for another solution. Here is an illustration of what I just explained.

class-a 1<---->*class-c*<---->1 class-b

class-d 1<---->*class-f*<---->1 class-e

Where class-c and class-f have yet again another association with join table attributes encapsulated by a new class-g (see below).

class-c 1<---->*class-g*<---->1 class-f

The problem is that now class-g has a composite id made up of 4 long ids. This accumulation of ids into composite ids is problematic for me. I think it opens the door for all sorts of problems. I want to avoid this.

My possible solution is to use the idbag for all my many-to-many join table associations. This way, I am hoping that I can use the new id introduced by idbag in all new associations with the join table attribute class.

My questions to you is:

1 - Can I do this with Hibernate? In short, can I use idbag with join table with attributes? The centre of the question is: Can I use idbag's new surrogate id in new associations involving the association class?

2 - If yes, I would beg you to give a complete example of the xml file mapping. I prefer by far using xml file mapping.

Book References (none of these excellent two books talk about his issue)
1 - Java Persistence with Hibernate by Christian Baver and Gavin King
2 - Hibernate Recipes by Srinivas Guruzu and Gary Mak

 Post subject: Re: Using idbag with many-to-many join table with attributes?
PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:52 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:41 am
Posts: 20
I experimented to use <idbag> with join table of many-to-many associations with attributes.

I had to use <composite-element> to map the attributes to a class. The first limitation I found is that <composite-element> does not allow the class to have any container. The only thing it allows is <many-to-one> association.

This limitation answers may question and ends my inquiry. I am disappointed.

I wish the Hibernate team would consider allowing <idbag> in many-to-many associations and using the new single key in new one-to-many associations. The benefits are important for the user.

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