This post is just to info about a wrong behavior using SQLServer2008Dialect.
Context: - SQL Server 2008 Express - Microsoft SQL JDBC 4 - Hibernate 3.6.5 - I have created a pagination method, so I'm using 'setFirstResult' and 'setMaxResults' to obtain the desired items from SQL Server 2008 database.
When using 'SQLServer2008Dialect', the resulting query looks like:
SELECT TOP xxx myFields FROM myTable;
So, while xxx is higher, the performance dropdowns and pagination becomes a hell for users... so it becomes a hell for me ;-)
I tried 'SQLServer2005Dialect', and the performance got much better, and now the query looks like:
WITH query AS (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__, myFields from myTable this_ where 1=1) SELECT * FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ BETWEEN ? AND ?
So I was wondering why the older dialect is working better than new... and I saw the newest 'SQLServer2008Dialect' is inheriting from the oldest 'SQLServerDialect' while 'SQLServer2005Dialect' is correcting this problem...
I think 'SQLServer2008Dialect' should inherit from 'SQLServer2005Dialect' on future releases.