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 Post subject: find(class, object) has side effects on the object
PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:19 pm 

Joined: Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:46 pm
Posts: 1
Dear groupmembers,
Due to certain reasons, i have to (or thougth that i have to) find out if an entity is already stored in the db.
If true, i will merge the entity, if not, other things shall happen.
My entity has a list of other objects, annotaned (one directional):
private List<Sample> samples;

I was very surprised to find the following hibernate (4.1.3) behaviour:

EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction();
//test that data are ok
for (ISample s: ss.getSamples()){
//here my entity ss has various samples in the list
SubSet ss2=em.find(SubSet.class,ss);
//SubSet ss2=(SubSet) ((Session)em.getDelegate()).get(SubSet.class,(SubSet)ss); //same is true for pure hibernate
if (ss2==null){
//do something else
for (ISample s: ss.getSamples()){
debug(s.getSampleName()); // my samples are GONE !!! The list is empty !

In summary: if i perform a simple find or get action, the object used for this as provider for the ID is affected seriously
So my question is:
how can i test for the existence of an object in the database without side-effects?

Maybe a simple mis-configuration issue (i`m hibernate novice) but i lost too much time on it and did not find anything by google so any explanation is highly appreciated

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