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 Post subject: Hibernate HQL Select new Constructor Using VarArgs.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:28 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:35 pm
Posts: 6
I am using hibernate Version 3.2.5 i have a HQL like this:
select new org.com.Utilities.Inventario.ReporteInventario(P.Id,P.Name,DP.Rotacion,LongResult,IntegerResult,IntegerResult,IntegerResult,IntegerResult,IntegerResult,IntegerResult)
and i have a constructor in this way:
public ReporteInventario(String CodPro,String NomProd,String RotProd,Long TotalStock,Integer Val1,Integer Val2, Integer Val3,Integer Val4,Integer Val5,Integer Val6)
works OK. But i have tried the following:

public ReporteInventario(String CodPro,String NomProd,String RotProd,Long TotalStock,Integer.. VarArgs)
But i'm receiving not Compliant Constructor found. i am not big fan of verbosity. my question is can i use Varargs in my Constructor whose Hibernate can populate. why hibernate not populate my Constructor why do not detect a list of integers and populate as VarArgs.
i also have try. as a list.
Select new org.com.Utilities.Inventario.ReporteInventario(P.Id,P.Name,DP.Rotacion,(Select sum(DP.Stock) from DP where P.Id=DP.Producto.Id),new list((Select DP.Stock as Stock0 from DP where P.Id=DP.Producto.Id And DP.Sucursal.Id=1200),(Select DP.Stock as Stock1 from DP where P.Id=DP.Producto.Id And DP.Sucursal.Id=1300)))
but is giving error on new list. my question is to avoid verbosity how can i use a constructor avoiding to coding the constructor Select new org.com.Utilities.Inventario.ReporteInventario(P.Id,P.Name,DP.Rotacion,(Select sum(DP.Stock) from DP where P.Id=DP.Producto.Id,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) thanks a lot sorry by my poor english.

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