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 Post subject: Issue with Hibernate - StaleStateException
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:39 am 

Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:18 am
Posts: 1
Hi All,

There are two peculiar issues I am facing with Hibernate -

1) I was using Hibernate3 with Jdk1.4 and have recently upgraded to Jdk1.6.
So the current setup is Hibernate3 with Jdk1.4.
When trying to do a batch delete (session.delete) now I am getting StaleStateException which however was working fine with Jdk1.4, haven't made any changes to the code whatsoever.
I am doubting that it may be related to Hibernate version as well, I might need an upgrade of Hibernate as well.
Any suggestion/comment invited.

2) As a part of functionality I am merging a record from a base table to target table and I am deleting the record from the base table using hibernate. So, to resolve the first issue what I did was- I placed a merge(session.merge) before delete(session.delete). Now delete here works fine however Hibernate is trying to insert a record into target table taking values from base table for the record which we deleted. which is in turn giving error that the input record is not found.
And I can see the record from base table merged into the target table, so basically no information loss however since it is doing an extra insert of a record which was deleted, my application is breaking.

I would be happy to post any detail required.

In case I have posted this in wrong forum, please suggest the correct forum.
Also, Please guide me to the page where it has been already answered/ similar issue answered if has already been answered.


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