Hi jakorsme, I was experiencing exactly the same problem. The way I was setting up the platform was the key. I was using Hibernate 3, this release has just one .jar file in its root folder known as hibernate3.jar. What I did was replace all the Hibernate 3 platform for the hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final.
In the folder "hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final\lib\required", there is a list of .jar files. I set´em up int the CLASSPATH by using a .bat file (if you´re using command-line this might be helpful) with this code:
for %%i in ("C:\aaron\frameworks\hibernate\hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final\lib\required\*.jar") do call :addjar %%i
goto :eof
goto :eof
Then I just open console and execute the .bat and later the class containing my Hibernate code. Everythig went OK and the registries were inserted in my DB.
If you´re using an IDE like NetBeans, I recommend you to create a library core and load the .jar files contained in the Hibernate 4 platform.
Please let me know if this was helpful for you. Greetings.