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 Post subject: JPA entity generation possible (as part of a build)?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:02 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:36 am
Posts: 4
1. Generate JPA entities as part of the build (Ant, Maven or Gradle - any)?
2. Ability to specify database connection info from which to build the entities?
3. Ability to specify a class to extend for each entity?
4. Is IDE independent (we use IntelliJ)?
5. Is not hibernate based? (we use EclipseLink as the JPA provider)
6. Automatically handles all relationship types (one to many, many to one, many to many, etc)
7. With SQL Server & MySQL the primary key / id column is self incrementing (in old .hbm.xml this is 'native'
8. With PostgreSQL & Oracle the primary key / id column is populated from a named sequence.

We want to generate as part of the build because we need to maintain two sets of .java files because
of 7,8 (unless there are other solutions - JPA does not entirely abstract the db, but it gets close).

We have three databases, use the old .hbm.xml hibernate way (not JPA) and wish to move to JPA, but
creating all the entity beans would be a pain (300+ tables)



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