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 Post subject: How to avoid unnecessary selects and joins
PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2012 8:00 am 

Joined: Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:32 pm
Posts: 3

I have been trying different combinations of HQL and Criteria and I haven't been able to avoid some unnecessary joins (in both) and some unnecessary selects (in Criteria).

In our scenario, we have a @ManyToMany relationship between Segment and Application entities (navigation is from Segment to Applications).

First I tried this Criteria:

Application app = ...
List<Segment> segments = session.createCriteria(Segment.class)

Wich produces this SQL:

        this_.id as id1_1_,
        this_.description as descript2_1_1_,
        this_.name as name1_1_,
        applicatio3_.segment_id as segment1_1_,
        applicatio1_.id as app2_,                           <==== unnecessary APPLICATIONS columns
        applicatio1_.id as id7_0_,
        applicatio1_.name as name7_0_,
        applicatio1_.accountId as accountId7_0_,
        applicatio1_.applicationFlags as applicat5_7_0_,
        applicatio1_.description_ as descript6_7_0_,
        SEGMENTS this_
    inner join
        SEGMENTS_APPLICATIONS applicatio3_
            on this_.id=applicatio3_.segment_id
    inner join                                                 <==== unnecessary join
        APPLICATIONS applicatio1_
            on applicatio3_.app_id=applicatio1_.id
        applicatio1_.id = ?

As you can see, Criteria selects columns from APPLICATIONS, which I don't want to be selected. I haven't found a way to do it (is it possible?). Also, it joins with APPLICATIONS, which I think is not necessary because the application id is already in the join table SEGMENTS_APPLICATIONS (the same happens with HQL).

(As an additional doubt, I'd like to know a Restriction that uses the app directly, and not app.getId(). As you will see, I could do that in the HQL version of the query)

Since I couldn't limit the select part (I don't need Application properties) I tried this HQL with the a "select" clause:

Application app = ...
List<Segment> segments = session.createQuery(
   "select s from Segment s join s.applications as app where app = :app")
   .setParameter("app", app)

wich produces:

        segment0_.id as id1_,
        segment0_.description as descript2_1_,
        segment0_.name as name1_,
        SEGMENTS segment0_
    inner join
        SEGMENTS_APPLICATIONS applicatio1_
            on segment0_.id=applicatio1_.segment_id
    inner join                                                 <==== unnecessary join
        APPLICATIONS applicatio2_
            on applicatio1_.app_id=applicatio2_.id

You can see the HQL doesn't select properties from Application (thanks to the "select s" part), but still joins the APPLICATIONS table, which I think is unnecessary. How can we avoid that?

(As a side note, notice that in HQL I could use app directly, and not app.getId() like in the Criteria)

Can you please help me find a way to avoid "selects" in Criteria and unnecessary "joins" in both Criteria and HQL?

(This example is with @ManyToMany but I think it also happens with @OneToMany and also with @ManyToOne and @OneToOne, even with fetch = LAZY).

Thank you very much,

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