Hi all..
I have two DB, in the first one I have a tbl_seg_usuarios table (users of my application), wich have a one-to-one relationship with tbl_seg_usuarios_detalles (detailed information of the user, only for some users), in the second DB I have a employes table with detailed information of my users in the first DB.
I have a methos to search users from DB. The query looks like this...
public List<T> search(Map<String, Object> searchOpts, int maxResults, String sortProperty, String sortDirection) {
List<T> list = null;
List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>();
StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder("from " + this.persistentClass.getSimpleName());
if(searchOpts != null) {
// Constructs query...
if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(sortProperty)) {
// Constructs sort...
if(maxResults < 0) {
maxResults = Constants.HIBERNATE_MAX_RESULTS;
[b]list = hibernateTemplate.find(hql.toString(), values.toArray());[/b]
return list;
That method is called from a Controller, I'm using Spring 3, like this...
Pass across the business layer...
public List<T> search(Map<String, Object> searchOpts, int maxResults, String sortProperty, String sortDirection) {
return dao.search(searchOpts, maxResults, sortProperty, sortDirection);
Then in the Controller...
List<NotificacionArea> notificacionAreaList = notificacionAreaManager.getAll();
List<Usuario> usuarioList = userManager.search(null, 0, null, null);
usuarioList = userManager.cargarInformacionUsarios(usuarioList);
userManager.search(...) returns a list with 3 users. Now, I'm working with two databases, in the 2nd database stores the detailed information of the users, so, I must update the objects in the list with that information.
So I call
usuarioList = userManager.cargarInformacionUsarios(usuarioList);.
The code of cargarInformacionUsarios is this..
public List<Usuario> cargarInformacionUsarios(List<Usuario> usuarios) throws UsuarioRHNotFoundException {
for(Usuario usuario : usuarios) {
boolean esRH = usuario.getEsRH();
if(esRH) {
UsuarioDetalle detalle = cargarInformacionUsario(usuario.getUsername(), usuario.getPassword());
usuario.setDetalle(detalle); [b]// HERE sets the detailed information to the users in the usuarioList.[/b]
return usuarios;
public UsuarioDetalle cargarInformacionUsario(String nombreUsuario, String password) throws UsuarioRHNotFoundException {
UsuarioRH usuarioRH = rhUserManager.getUserByCredentials(nombreUsuario, password);
UsuarioDetalle detalle = new UsuarioDetalle(usuarioRH);
return detalle;
All works fine and whe I print the list of users (System.out.println(usuarios);), the detailed information is OK...
the problem occurs when the execution finishes the cargarInformacionUsarios(...) method, and Hibernate throws the next error in the Java console:
WARN [33139188@qtp-5568322-11] JDBCExceptionReporter.logExceptions(233) | SQL Error: 2291, SQLState: 23000
ERROR [33139188@qtp-5568322-11] JDBCExceptionReporter.logExceptions(234) | ORA-02291: integrity constraint (SAE.FK_USU_DET_USUARIOS) violated - parent key not found
ERROR [33139188@qtp-5568322-11] AbstractFlushingEventListener.performExecutions(324) | Could not synchronize database state with session
org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: Could not execute JDBC batch update
And in the screen of my Web application prints the error:
Could not execute JDBC batch update; SQL [[b]insert into tbl_seg_usuarios_detalles[/b] (apellido_materno, apellido_paterno, cr, email, estado, fecha_nacimiento, nombre, id_usuario) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)]; constraint [SAE.FK_USU_DET_USUARIOS]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: Could not execute JDBC batch update
So this is my question, when or how Hibernate try to update directly to the DB the detailed information of the users in the usuarioList, if I haven't called explicitly
any update() method to Hibernate?
Why hibernate tries to execute
insert into tbl_seg_usuarios_detalles...?
And how can I to prevent this?
I hope I have explained clearly my problem... Thanks...