I use Hibernate 3.6, with SQL Server 2018 and JDBC driver sqljdbc4-4.0.jar
I can not set hibernate.dialect property in the Persistence file because my application must be able to work with different database.
Hibernate does not detect the good dialect with SQL Server 2012.
With SQL Server 2012 Hibernate use org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect then Hiberbnate should use org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2008Dialect
To solve this problem I would use the hibernate.dialect_resolvers property.
But when I set this property like that :
<property name="hibernate.dialect_resolvers" value="com.my.application.core.impl.MyHibernateDialectResolerImpl"/>
The MyHibernateDialectResolerImpl is never built.
Does someone can help me to solve this problem ?
The Pig in the space.