Hello everyone,
I'm trying to basically do the same thing as Xavier: creating a CompositeUserType with an association in it. All the examples I've seen (online and in Gavin King's
Java Persistence with Hibernate) have only the rather naive case of simple members.
Prior to Hibernate 3.6.0.Final, I used Hibernate.entity() to return column types in getPropertyTypes, which seemed to work.
In Hibernate 3.6.0.Final that use is deprecated, and the only way to receive TypeHelper is from a SessionImplementor, inaccessible in getPropertyTypes.
I've followed Eyal Lupu's message (
http://www.jroller.com/eyallupu/entry/h ... nnotations), as well as the examples from Hibernate's website / Gavin King's book when creating these custom user types.
I'm asking because one of the exceptions I get (inconsistently I might add) is "Wrong number of columns" for entities which have my custom type as an association.
My question is: Can someone from the Hibernate team please post a Hibernate 3.6.0.Final-compatible coded example of a case where a userType has an association?The examples on the websites and Hibernate-maintained sources are not up to date on this point.
Thanks in advance,