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 Post subject: O\R Mapping general questions
PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:26 pm 

Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:30 pm
Posts: 2
Ok. So, here it goes. I have an Object graph kind of like below (note that this is just an example):

Company (Entity)
-Site (one-to-many)
--- id, line1, line2, city, state, zip, countrySubdivision, country, phoneNumber
-Products (one-to-many, could be up to 100k)
--id, name, sku, upc, unitPrice, percentDiscount, rebates, image(blob), notes etc..
- updatedBy

The problem is I would like to fetch companies as per certain input search criteria, but I don't want to fetch all the products, I only want 1000 at a time, basically pagination. I have two grids, one for the header result search and another for the products. The requirement is to display partial product results and have the user\customer refine their search or they may choose to paginate.

Is there any way to enable pagination for an inner object in the graph, without breaking the graph or trying to flatten it.

I can always break it into two separate queries, which is what I was planning to do in any case, didn't know if there was a more elegant solution. i.e. some way to limit children of a parent if there are too many - this is to prevent loading too many objects in memory.


 Post subject: Re: O\R Mapping general questions
PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:32 am 

Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2009 3:36 am
Posts: 990
Pagination in Hibernate is done by using following 2 methods

query.setFirstResult(int pos)
query.setMaxResults(int num)

where 'query' can be a HQL, Criteria, JPA-QL or Native-SQL query object.
But if pagination works depends on the capabilities of the database and jdbc-driver you are using.
Several databases/jdbc-driver's do not.

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