Hi all,
I am new to HQL.
My question is how to execute inner join inside HQL query??
Here is my sql query, can i execute this using "getHibernateTemplate().find()" method.
select * from emp_timesheet_master etm
inner join (select tp.period_start_date s_date,tp.period_end_date e_date from timesheet_periods tp,financial_year fy where fy.year_status='A' and tp.period_status='A' and fy.financial_year_id=tp.fiscal_year_id and fy.company_code='"+employee.getCompany_code()+"') ft on
ft.s_date=etm.start_date and ft.e_date=etm.end_date where etm.company_code='"+employee.getCompany_code()+"' and etm.employee_id='"+employee.getEmployee_id()+"' order by etm.timesheet_id
Can anyone help me...???
Thanks in advance,