Hi to all,
I hope you are fine and you can provide me a guide for this issue we have been working during a week. The main requirement is: some database properties must be encrypted in database but as normally, final user needs to see them decrypted.
1) I have designed an interface called EntitiesEncryptor which contains a getSensitiveData() method that returns a List of java.lang.reflect.Field. Therefore using this interface I know which entities contain some properties that need to be encrypted in database.
2) I have my DAO template which inherits from HibernateDaoSupport, it contains both select and insert methods (among others).
3) I performed AOP configuration on EntitiesEncryptor entities (this entities are also mapped in hibernate): a) Once insert method is called, an aspect configured as before encrypts the current property and then it is saved correctly in database. b) Once select method is called, an aspect configured as after-returning decrypts value obtained from database.
The issue here is that hibernate is flushing session after user transaction ends with the value decrypted, and this is not allowed, it should be encrypted. This is what I have tested already:
a) I tried to configure read-only transactions, but at the end hibernate is changing property value. b) I have overrided the initDao method in order to change the getHibernateTemplate().setFlushMode() to FLUSH_NEVER. c) I have set my hibernate properties with flush mode = manual. c) I changed the mapping file specifying some property with update="false". In this scenario the property is still encrypted in database, however I sometimes need to change that value.
So please I would appreciate if you have any idea could help me. Thanks.
<aop:config proxy-target-class="true"> <aop:aspect id="beforeSensitiveDataAspect" ref="sensitiveDataAspectBean"> <aop:before pointcut="execution(* com.sto.fe.dataaccess.impl.HDaoSupport.insert(*)) and args(entity)" method ="encryptSensitiveData"/> </aop:aspect> <aop:aspect id="afterReturningSensitiveDataAspectById" ref="sensitiveDataAspectBean"> <aop:after-returning pointcut="execution(* com.sto.fe.dataaccess.impl.HDaoSupport.select(Long))" returning = "entity" method="decipherSensitiveDataById"/> </aop:aspect> </aop:config>