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 Post subject: class are loaded twice while fetching super class
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:21 am 

Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:50 am
Posts: 1
The following being observed:

While fetching super class the following logs are observed.
The list has two values.
One object has the correct reference other object has a error.
using Hibernate 3.0

|noOfCopies=null||canWaive=N||class=class com.citi.obt.data.CountryMaster_$$_javassist_434|
|maxDeferDays=null||countryName=UNITED KINGDOM||canDefer=N|

|class=class com.citi.obt.data.CountryMaster||maxDeferDays=null||countryName=NETHERLANDS|


public class CountryMaster extends BaseCountryMaster {

/** The Constant serialVersionUID. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

* Instantiates a new country master.
public CountryMaster () {

* Constructor for primary key.
* @param countryId the country id
public CountryMaster (long countryId) {

public abstract class BaseCountryMaster implements Serializable {

/** The REF. */
public static String REF = "CountryMaster";

/** The PRO p_ wor k_ time. */
public static String PROP_WORK_TIME = "workTime";

/** The PRO p_ dat a_ privacy. */
public static String PROP_DATA_PRIVACY = "dataPrivacy";

/** The PRO p_ ca n_ waive. */
public static String PROP_CAN_WAIVE = "canWaive";

/** The PRO p_ countr y_ is o_ code. */
public static String PROP_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE = "countryIsoCode";

/** The PRO p_ a c_ reserve. */
public static String PROP_AC_RESERVE = "acReserve";

/** The PRO p_ ori g_ do c_ required. */
public static String PROP_ORIG_DOC_REQUIRED = "origDocRequired";

/** The PRO p_ countr y_ id. */
public static String PROP_COUNTRY_ID = "countryId";

/** The PRO p_ checke r_ id. */
public static String PROP_CHECKER_ID = "checkerId";

/** The PRO p_ las t_ action. */
public static String PROP_LAST_ACTION = "lastAction";

/** The PRO p_ n o_ o f_ copies. */
public static String PROP_NO_OF_COPIES = "noOfCopies";

/** The PRO p_ usta x_ docrequired. */
public static String PROP_USTAX_DOCREQUIRED = "ustaxDocrequired";

/** The PRO p_ defe r_ days. */
public static String PROP_DEFER_DAYS = "deferDays";

/** The PRO p_ ma x_ defe r_ days. */
public static String PROP_MAX_DEFER_DAYS = "maxDeferDays";

/** The PRO p_ ca n_ defer. */
public static String PROP_CAN_DEFER = "canDefer";

/** The PRO p_ countr y_ name. */
public static String PROP_COUNTRY_NAME = "countryName";

public static String PROP_E_ENABLED = "isEenabled";

public static String PROP_HUB_ID = "hubId";
// constructors
* Instantiates a new base country master.
public BaseCountryMaster () {

* Constructor for primary key.
* @param countryId the country id
public BaseCountryMaster (long countryId) {

* Initialize.
protected void initialize () {}

/** The hash code. */
private int hashCode = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

// primary key
/** The country id. */
private long countryId;

// fields
/** The country iso code. */
private java.lang.String countryIsoCode;

/** The country name. */
private java.lang.String countryName;

/** The data privacy. */
private java.lang.String dataPrivacy;

/** The can waive. */
private java.lang.String canWaive;

/** The can defer. */
private java.lang.String canDefer;

/** The defer days. */
private java.lang.Long deferDays;

/** The max defer days. */
private java.lang.Long maxDeferDays;

/** The ac reserve. */
private java.lang.String acReserve;

/** The orig doc required. */
private java.lang.String origDocRequired;

/** The no of copies. */
private java.lang.Long noOfCopies;

/** The ustax docrequired. */
private java.lang.String ustaxDocrequired;

/** The last action. */
private java.util.Date lastAction;

/** The checker id. */
private java.lang.String checkerId;

/** The work time. */
private java.lang.Long workTime;

private java.lang.Character isAcuSupported;

private java.lang.Character isEenabled;

private java.lang.Long hubId;

* Return the unique identifier of this class.
* @return the country id
* @hibernate.id
* generator-class="assigned"
* column="COUNTRY_ID"
public long getCountryId () {
return countryId;

* Set the unique identifier of this class.
* @param countryId the new ID
public void setCountryId (long countryId) {
this.countryId = countryId;
this.hashCode = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

public java.lang.Character getIsEenabled() {
return isEenabled;

public void setIsEenabled(java.lang.Character isEenabled) {
this.isEenabled = isEenabled;

public java.lang.Character getIsAcuSupported() {
return isAcuSupported;

public void setIsAcuSupported(java.lang.Character isAcuSupported) {
this.isAcuSupported = isAcuSupported;

* Return the value associated with the column: COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.
* @return the country iso code
public java.lang.String getCountryIsoCode () {
return countryIsoCode;

* Set the value related to the column: COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.
* @param countryIsoCode the COUNTRY_ISO_CODE value
public void setCountryIsoCode (java.lang.String countryIsoCode) {
this.countryIsoCode = countryIsoCode;

* Return the value associated with the column: COUNTRY_NAME.
* @return the country name
public java.lang.String getCountryName () {
return countryName;

* Set the value related to the column: COUNTRY_NAME.
* @param countryName the COUNTRY_NAME value
public void setCountryName (java.lang.String countryName) {
this.countryName = countryName;

* Return the value associated with the column: DATA_PRIVACY.
* @return the data privacy
public java.lang.String getDataPrivacy () {
return dataPrivacy;

* Set the value related to the column: DATA_PRIVACY.
* @param dataPrivacy the DATA_PRIVACY value
public void setDataPrivacy (java.lang.String dataPrivacy) {
this.dataPrivacy = dataPrivacy;

* Return the value associated with the column: CAN_WAVE.
* @return the can waive
public java.lang.String getCanWaive () {
return canWaive;

* Set the value related to the column: CAN_WAVE.
* @param canWaive the CAN_WAVE value
public void setCanWaive (java.lang.String canWaive) {
this.canWaive = canWaive;

* Return the value associated with the column: CAN_DEFER.
* @return the can defer
public java.lang.String getCanDefer () {
return canDefer;

* Set the value related to the column: CAN_DEFER.
* @param canDefer the CAN_DEFER value
public void setCanDefer (java.lang.String canDefer) {
this.canDefer = canDefer;

* Return the value associated with the column: DEFER_DAYS.
* @return the defer days
public java.lang.Long getDeferDays () {
return deferDays;

* Set the value related to the column: DEFER_DAYS.
* @param deferDays the DEFER_DAYS value
public void setDeferDays (java.lang.Long deferDays) {
this.deferDays = deferDays;

* Return the value associated with the column: MAX_DEFER_DAYS.
* @return the max defer days
public java.lang.Long getMaxDeferDays () {
return maxDeferDays;

* Set the value related to the column: MAX_DEFER_DAYS.
* @param maxDeferDays the MAX_DEFER_DAYS value
public void setMaxDeferDays (java.lang.Long maxDeferDays) {
this.maxDeferDays = maxDeferDays;

* Return the value associated with the column: AC_RESERVE.
* @return the ac reserve
public java.lang.String getAcReserve () {
return acReserve;

* Set the value related to the column: AC_RESERVE.
* @param acReserve the AC_RESERVE value
public void setAcReserve (java.lang.String acReserve) {
this.acReserve = acReserve;

* Return the value associated with the column: ORIG_DOC_REQUIRED.
* @return the orig doc required
public java.lang.String getOrigDocRequired () {
return origDocRequired;

* Set the value related to the column: ORIG_DOC_REQUIRED.
* @param origDocRequired the ORIG_DOC_REQUIRED value
public void setOrigDocRequired (java.lang.String origDocRequired) {
this.origDocRequired = origDocRequired;

* Return the value associated with the column: NUMBER_OF_COPIES.
* @return the no of copies
public java.lang.Long getNoOfCopies () {
return noOfCopies;

* Set the value related to the column: NUMBER_OF_COPIES.
* @param noOfCopies the NUMBER_OF_COPIES value
public void setNoOfCopies (java.lang.Long noOfCopies) {
this.noOfCopies = noOfCopies;

* Return the value associated with the column: USTAX_DOCREQUIRED.
* @return the ustax docrequired
public java.lang.String getUstaxDocrequired () {
return ustaxDocrequired;

* Set the value related to the column: USTAX_DOCREQUIRED.
* @param ustaxDocrequired the USTAX_DOCREQUIRED value
public void setUstaxDocrequired (java.lang.String ustaxDocrequired) {
this.ustaxDocrequired = ustaxDocrequired;

* Return the value associated with the column: LAST_ACTION.
* @return the last action
public java.util.Date getLastAction () {
return lastAction;

* Set the value related to the column: LAST_ACTION.
* @param lastAction the LAST_ACTION value
public void setLastAction (java.util.Date lastAction) {
this.lastAction = lastAction;

* Return the value associated with the column: CHECKER_ID.
* @return the checker id
public java.lang.String getCheckerId () {
return checkerId;

* Set the value related to the column: CHECKER_ID.
* @param checkerId the CHECKER_ID value
public void setCheckerId (java.lang.String checkerId) {
this.checkerId = checkerId;

* Return the value associated with the column: WORK_TIME.
* @return the work time
public java.lang.Long getWorkTime () {
return workTime;

* Set the value related to the column: WORK_TIME.
* @param workTime the WORK_TIME value
public void setWorkTime (java.lang.Long workTime) {
this.workTime = workTime;

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals (Object obj) {
if (null == obj) return false;
if (!(obj instanceof com.citi.obt.data.CountryMaster)) return false;
else {
com.citi.obt.data.CountryMaster countryMaster = (com.citi.obt.data.CountryMaster) obj;
return (this.getCountryId() == countryMaster.getCountryId());

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode () {
if (Integer.MIN_VALUE == this.hashCode) {
return (int) this.getCountryId();
return this.hashCode;

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString () {
return super.toString();

* @return the hubId
public java.lang.Long getHubId() {
return hubId;

* @param hubId the hubId to set
public void setHubId(java.lang.Long hubId) {
this.hubId = hubId;

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"
"http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd" >

<hibernate-mapping package="aa">
<class name="CountryMaster" table="COUNTRY_MASTER">
<meta attribute="sync-DAO">true</meta>

<id name="countryId" column="COUNTRY_ID" type="long" length="9">
<generator class="assigned" />
<property name="countryIsoCode" column="COUNTRY_ISO_CODE"
type="string" not-null="false" length="10" />
<property name="countryName" column="COUNTRY_NAME" type="string"
not-null="false" length="50" />
<property name="dataPrivacy" column="DATA_PRIVACY" type="string"
not-null="false" length="1" />
<property name="canWaive" column="CAN_WAVE" type="string"
not-null="false" length="1" />
<property name="canDefer" column="CAN_DEFER" type="string"
not-null="false" length="1" />
<property name="deferDays" column="DEFER_DAYS" type="java.lang.Long"
not-null="false" length="4" />
<property name="maxDeferDays" column="MAX_DEFER_DAYS" type="java.lang.Long"
not-null="false" length="4" />
<property name="acReserve" column="AC_RESERVE" type="string"
not-null="false" length="1" />
<property name="origDocRequired" column="ORIG_DOC_REQUIRED"
type="string" not-null="false" length="1" />
<property name="noOfCopies" column="NUMBER_OF_COPIES" type="java.lang.Long"
not-null="false" length="3" />
<property name="ustaxDocrequired" column="USTAX_DOCREQUIRED"
type="string" not-null="false" length="1" />
<property name="lastAction" column="LAST_ACTION" type="date"
not-null="false" length="7" />
<property name="checkerId" column="CHECKER_ID" type="string"
not-null="false" length="10" />
<property name="workTime" column="WORK_TIME" type="java.lang.Long"
not-null="false" length="4" />

<property name="isAcuSupported" column="IS_ACU_SUPPORTED"
type="java.lang.Character" not-null="false" length="1" />

<property name="isEenabled" column="IS_E_ENABLED" type="java.lang.Character"
not-null="false" length="1" />

<property name="hubId" column="HUB_ID" type="java.lang.Long"
not-null="false" precision="15" />


dao call

Criteria criteria = super.getSession().createCriteria(CountryMaster.class).add(Restrictions.in(CountryMaster.PROP_COUNTRY_ID, _countryIds));
countryList = criteria.list();

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