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 Post subject: Find parent for child entity
PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:29 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:42 am
Posts: 1
Hi all,

how can i check if an entity has a parent entity which maps this entity over
The mapping is unidirectional defined on the parent

public class ParentEntity {


   private Collection<ChildEntity> childEntities;

Hibernate automagically creates a mapping table, or if used
a column with the parent-id in the child table.
When the child gets persisted, hibernate adds the corresponding parent id to the db-table.

I do not want to define a bidirectional relation since i do not need this "feature" in my application-logic and there are already loads of entities which would need a change. I just need the parent for replication issues. This means i have to export some data to another DB schema (has different table structure).

I use an interceptor to trigger the replication action in the
method defined by the Interceptor interface. If a parent gets a new child, there is just the persist action of the child triggering. I do not know the parent it belongs to.

I really appreciate any help!


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