This is an example Table Per Class Hierarchy mapping:
Payment - Base (SuperType)
@Table(name = "PAYMENT")
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
@DiscriminatorColumn( name = "type", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING)
public class Payment {
private Product product;
private Date date;
private Customer Customer;
public class CreditCard extends Payment {
private String Account
public class Cash extends Payment {
private String Paper
private String Coins
Hibernate is able to accept an instancce of Payment, or Credit or Cash referenced as the Payment type and persist the correct instance thru some really complex code I traced through. What an exercise that was. :-)
My question is centered around working with the Payment instance polymorhically in my code . I would like to reference Payment anytime but each subclass adds unique instance fields so i lose those methods when working with a Payment reference. I could stub out these subclass fields on Payment itself to gain the benefit of polymorphism, but I don't think this is the correct way. I can also add a bunch of if/thens to create concrete instances and then work with those, but again does not seem like the right way to do things. I suspect either that my mapping is incorrect or I need to re-work my code. The table per class hierarchy mapping seems very clean and logical and would like to keep it, but not at the cost of fighting it elsewhere.