I'm supporting a legacy Java app that uses Hibernate 2.x I would like to browse the Documentation/Javadocs for the version I have to use. Is this information available somewhere? When I look at the Documentation page, I see information for 3.6 and 3.5, but nothing earlier.
Also, the hibernate jar used in this project doesn't have source nor anything else (no info in META-INF) that let's me know exactly what version I am using other than the name hibernate2.jar
I've seen two ways of getting this information in Hibernate3: System.out.println(org.hibernate.Version.getVersionString()); or setting log4j.logger.org.hibernate=INFO
Unfortunately, there isn't a Version object in my version and I've tried setting log4j.logger.net.sf.hibernate.type=INFO to no avail.
Any ideas or leads would be appreciated. Thanks!