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 Post subject: Newbie Help..
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:35 am 

Joined: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:21 am
Posts: 1
Hi all, i am a newby with hibernate so i hope you don't hate me if the following is a stupid question :-)

This is my problem:

I want to make a query whose result il a list of a models that is extracted giving an id such a foreign key of another model ->

table cliente
fields (idCliente , the pk) nome(varchar)

table Commessa
fields (idCommessa, the pk) nome(varchar) fkCliente (references to cliente.idCliente)

I know the names are in camelCase but this is only a test so i didn't mind that.
When i wrote models i used annotation instead of xml mapping files and if i try to run it without a query that takes care of foreign key it gous weel so i think the annotation are right but to be more sure i post the member of the model Commessa thet refers to Cliente:

@ManyToOne (cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Cliente fkCliente;

The db was created by hibernate to the proper property in mode "update"

Tha point is that i want to estract a list of "Commessa" by a "Cliente.idCliente"

Pls don't tell me to view the documentation because i've seen it a lot before asking it so i'll be vary pleasure if someone tells me here how i can do that.

Thanks a lot for your time :-)

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