This is the global issue, partly linked with the issue here:
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1009617But would like to hear experts on best practice of editing JPA entites from JSF UI.
So, a couple of words about the problem.
Imagine I have the persisted object
MyEntity and I fetch it for editing. In DAO layer I use
return em.find(MyEntity.class, id);
Which returns MyEntity instance with proxies on "parent" entities - imagine one of them is
MyParent. MyParent is fetched as the proxy greeting to
public class MyParent {
private Long id;
and MyEntity has the reference to it:
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private MyParent myParent;
So far so good. In UI I simply use the fetched object
directly without any value objects created and use the parent object in the select list:
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{myEntity.myParent.id}" id="office">
<f:selectItems value="#{parents}"/>
Everything is rendered ok, no LazyInitializationException occurs. But when I save the object I recieve the "LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - no Session" on
MyParent proxy
setId() method.
I can easily fix the problem if I change the MyParent relation to
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private MyParent myParent;
or fetch the object using "left join
fetch p.myParent" (actually that's how I do now). In this case the save operation works ok and the relation is changed to the new MyParent object transparently. No additional actions (manual copies, manual references settings) need to be done. Very simple and convenient.
BUT. If the object references 10 other object - the em.find() will result
10 additional joins, which isn't a good db operation, especially when I don't use references objects state at all. All I need - is links to objects, not their state.
This is a global issue, I would like to know, how JSF specialists deal with JPA entities in their applications, which is the best strategy to avoid both extra joins and LazyInitializationException.