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 Post subject: Are @Version fields loaded implicitly?
PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:20 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:56 pm
Posts: 5
Hi guys,

Thanks for the great work you do on Hibernate!

I have encountered some behaviour and wanted to validate it before opening a JIRA. In the User Guide it says:

"If Session.load() is called with UPGRADE or UPGRADE_NOWAIT, and the requested object was not yet loaded by the session, the object is loaded using SELECT ... FOR UPDATE... Session.lock performs a version number check if the specified lock mode is READ, UPGRADE or UPGRADE_NOWAIT"

So I take this to mean (and what seems to happen is), if I just try and LockMode.UPGRADE an unloaded object (that uses @Version) I see:

select a from Foo where a.id = ? for update

But if I try on an object I have already loaded I see:

select a from Foo where a.id = ? and a.version = ? for update

I take this to mean that because Hibernate has loaded the version earlier, it can check against it. So far so good. What seems strange is if, in a different scenario, I just load a single field from an object:

select a.name from Foo where a.id = ?

And then try and LockMode.UPGRADE it, I still see:

select a from Foo where a.id = ? and a.version = ? for update

So Hibernate must have loaded the version implicitly (in order to be able to do version=)? Is this expected?



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