I have a web application that uses spring and hibernate. My hibernate session factory is configured in spring as:
<bean id="mySessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean">
<property name="dataSource" ref="myDataSource" />
<property name="configurationClass">
<property name="hibernateProperties">
<prop key="hibernate.show_sql">true</prop>
<prop key="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2005Dialect</prop>
<prop key="hibernate.cache.use_query_cache">false</prop>
<prop key="hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache">false</prop>
<property name="packagesToScan">
The data source as:
<bean id="myDataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
<property name="driverClassName" value="${jdbc.driverClassName}" />
<property name="url" value="${jdbc.url}" />
<property name="username" value="${jdbc.username}" />
<property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}" />
<property name="maxActive" value="${jdbc.maxConnections}" />
and the properties file for the data source is:
I have a call:
DsActions action = (DsActions) this.hibernateCriteriaCommons.findById(id, new DsActions());
and findById is defined as:
public T findById(String id, Object model) {
return (T) this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().get(model.getClass(), id);
So I am calling the get method of hibernate session for a specific id and I expect an instance of type DsActions.
All works well when I run it from a local Tomcat instance (run through netbeans).
When I install it on a remote tomcat server, the instance of DsActions seems to have an encoding issue. When retriveing a field of DsActions instance I get question marks (??? ?????? ??????). The text is supposed to be greek characters
I am very confused, I do not understand why in the first case it is working and not in the second.
Note: the data is retrieved by the same database server, so no difference there. The only difference is the machine where the application is running.
Thank you all in advance.