Note that this is a cross post from
http://stackoverflow.com/q/5471819/72478 but I cannot find the solution.
I've got this test HQL:
select distinct o from Order o left join fetch o.lineItems
and it *does* generate an SQL distinct without an obvious reason:
select distinct order0_.id as id61_0_, orderline1_.order_id as order1_62_1_...
The SQL resultset is always the same (with and without an SQL distinct):
order id | order name | orderline id | orderline name
1 | foo | 1 | foo item
1 | foo | 2 | bar item
1 | foo | 3 | test item
2 | empty | NULL | NULL
3 | bar | 4 | qwerty item
3 | bar | 5 | asdfgh item
Why does hibernate generate the SQL distinct? The SQL distinct doesn't make any sense and makes the query slower than needed.
This is contrary to the FAQ
http://community.jboss.org/wiki/Hiberna ... ct_keyword which mentions that hql distinct in this case is just a shortcut for the result transformer:
session.createQuery("select distinct o from Order o left join fetch o.lineItems").list();
It looks like you are using the SQL DISTINCT keyword here. Of course, this is not SQL, this is HQL. This distinct is just a shortcut for the result transformer, in this case. Yes, in other cases an HQL distinct will translate straight into a SQL DISTINCT. Not in this case: you can not filter out duplicates at the SQL level, the very nature of a product/join forbids this - you want the duplicates or you don't get all the data you need.