We have an HQL query that we are trying to run which utilizes a cast operation in the where clause. Effectively "cast(x as time)" where x is an int column in a postgres database. For all other cast types (long, date, whatever) this code seems to translate just fine, but for "time" it always prepends the column name with some alias (I think it is the table). So what ends up getting passed into the CastFunction.render is "mytable0_.time" and when Hibernate tries to find the type for this in TypeResolver.heuristicType it chokes and throws out an NPE. Other types end up getting passed in as just their type (long, date, whatever) but time doesn't.
I was going to try running the unit tests and send in a test that excersises this, but I am not able to build the unit tests (complaints about not finding maven-jdocbook-style-plugin).
Thanks in advance!