mmm I usually don't speak on behalf of marketing, but really.. let's keep it short: they do, each enterprise version of Hibernate is supported I believe for 7 years, with official documentation material, training, and all nice SLAs companies might need on their important and mission critical projects, but then you should look at for the enterprise editions. If you use the community, you're totally welcome but to get bugfixes I'd recommend to keep up to date, participate in the community, follow developing list, post patches and/or report issues with tests. If you're using JBoss5.1 community - well JBoss6 has likely many more fixes as it came later ;) If you need something consolidated, you should use the supported EAP. I don't see good reasons to use an old community version - using community is perfectly fine, but what was just released was released with the same care as 5.1 was at his time. bugfixes on that - are in subsequent versions.
_________________ Sanne