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 Post subject: findById returning NULL after modifying entity collection
PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:15 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 08, 2010 5:40 pm
Posts: 1
Hello all, I am at a total loss here: I have an entity (say A) with several One-to-many relationships (all with FetchType.LAZY) to other entities (say B & C). I can load an individual instance of A with a named query (using its ID) and add multiple successive instances of B to its respective Collection in A. This is verified in the database as well as in the app. However, when I load a different instance of A (with a different ID) and perform some work..., then return to re-load the original instance of A my findById named query returns NULL. This only happens after modifying the collection of B, in A.

Also, after adding each instance of B, a HibernateTemplate.merge takes place.

My 'A' is a DevProject class, my 'B' is a DevProjectComment class.
Here is my OneToMany representation in A:
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "project", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
public Set<DevProjectComment> getComments() {
   return this.comments;

Here is my ManyToOne representation in B:
public DevProject getProject() {
   return this.project;

Here is the NamedQuery, defined in A:
   name = "devProject.findByIdWithCollections",
   query = "select d from DevProject d " +
   "left join fetch d.documents " +
   "left join fetch d.comments " +
   "where d.id=:id"

Can anyone see what I cannot?

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