Thanks very much, it would be really exciting to contribute to something like this, I can really see it taking off in 2011 and beyond as we start to see the demise of the relational database in production applications. (And just when I really started to like RDB+Hibernate ._.)
I'm sure RDBS won't disappear, they are still the best tool for 90% of use cases, but for the amazing results in the 10% case in which a database wasn't fitting well people got very excited. So as always, we need to be able to use the right tool for each problem, and as most cases you don't figure that out initially so it would be great if you could build your app on a common API like Hibernate and then have the flexibility of choice on the stores.
I've not really used IRC before, I tried to join your channel on (
irc://irc.freenode.net/#hibernate-dev) but it just refuses me. :( There's a good possibility I'm blocked at work though.
Try connecting to #hibernate , that's an open channel, if it refuses you then yes you're blocked by your corporate firewall. If it works, to join #hibernate-dev you need to create a free account on freenode, we only allow authenticated people to minimize spammers.
About github, start by forking emmanuel's project, and then clone that repository to your developer station so that you can commit to your own repo and we can look at patches and discuss them. It's like you having your own dedicated repository, so you can mess and commit as often as you like, and you'll see it gets easier to then ask for specific changes to be pulled in the upstream project.
I did already get a copy of the code, but I'm wondering what setup (Cassandra etc) I need to get it working? Any notes you guys have been making on this, that could bring me up to speed would be awesome. :)
I'm not sure about Cassandra, are you mostly interested in that store only or in a more general K/V store? I believe Emmanuel is testing with Infinispan, and there should be unit tests ready: nothing to setup.
In case of Cassandra, we can ping some experts to get some help, but I don't know much myself.