I have a PL/SQL procedure like so:
PROCEDURE p_slct ( resultset IN OUT rec_cur ,p_search_name_addr_id IN VARCHAR2 ,p_search_name_line1 IN VARCHAR2 ,p_search_tel_area_code IN VARCHAR2 ,p_search_tel_local_num IN VARCHAR2 ,p_search_postal_code IN lms_name_addr.postal_code%TYPE ,P_SEARCH_TYPE_ID IN lms_name_addr_type.lms_name_addr_type_id%TYPE ,p_sort_by IN NUMBER);
I can get a resultset using something llike:
// register the type of the out param - an Oracle specific type stmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
Is there a way to use a java.sql.ResultSet with the EntityManager or am I going about this in the wrong way?