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 Post subject: Order property causes table not to get created, but no error
PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:48 am 

Joined: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:38 am
Posts: 1
I hope I'm posting to the right section. I did a quick search and didn't found mentions of the problem I'm reporting. If this is a known issues and/or has been resolved in a more recent version, please ignore this.

I just found out that if an object has a property "order", the table does not get created when Hibernate generates the database schema (which, in a sense, is ok since "order" is a reserved keyword in SQL), without any error message or exception. I would have expected an exception to be thrown. I renamed the property to a different name and it started working. I guess I could also have explicitly mapped the order property to a column with a different name. I have not tried it.

I'm running with Hibernate 3.


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