Deal All,
Hope you all doing good. We have specific hibernate session problem when new objects are not fetched b/w HSQL calls. Please help and find the code / configuration below.
Controller_method() { Parent p1 = findObjectsWithParent_method1(); Parent p2 = findObjectsWithParent_mothod2(); }
Parent Class ============ Parent {
//one-to-many hibernate Set<Child1> childs1; Set<Child2> childs2; }
Child1 { Date fromDate; } Child2 { Date fromDate; }
Service Methdods ================ findObjectsWithParent_method1() { return dao.findObjectsWithParent_method1(new Date()); } findObjectsWithParent_method2 { return dao.findObjectsWithParent_method2(); }
Database Rows count for Parent Parent1 = count 1 Child1 for Parent1 = 3 Child2 for Parent1 = 4
DAO Methods ============ findObjectsWithParent_method1(Date date) { return getHibernateTemplate().find("from Parent p left join fecth childs1 ch where = ?", new Object[]{date}); //returns parent with 2 child1 matching date condition //expected works - GREAT } findObjectsWithParent_method2(Date date) { return getHibernateTemplate().find("from Parent p left join fecth childs1 ch left join fetch childs2); //returns parent with 2 child1 and 4 child2 //NOT Expected - since I did not mention any where clause for childs1 , I Should get all childs1 //expected : parent with 3 childs1 and 4 childs2 } Hope it is clear in code implementation
**Configurations:- ================ Session factory (hibenate) ----------------------------- <prop key="hibernate.autocommit">false</prop> <prop key="hibernate.cache.use_query_cache">true</prop> <prop key="hibernate.cache.provider_class">org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider</prop>
Spring Trasaction Manager ---------------------------- <bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager"> <property name="sessionFactory"> <ref bean="sessionFactory" /> </property> </bean>
DAO Implementations ------------------- <bean id="dao" class="com.merrill.mss.dao.hibernate.DaoHibernate"> <property name="sessionFactory"> <ref bean="sessionFactory" /> </property> </bean>
Transaction Attributes ----------------------- <bean id="txProxyTemplate" abstract="true" class="org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionProxyFactoryBean"> <property name="transactionManager"><ref bean="transactionManager"/></property> <property name="transactionAttributes"> <props> <prop key="save*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop> <prop key="remove*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop> <prop key="update*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop> <prop key="merge*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop> <prop key="cal*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop> <prop key="exec*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop> <prop key="delete*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop> <prop key="undo*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop> <prop key="make*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop> <prop key="nextPayDate*">PROPAGATION_NOT_SUPPORTED</prop> <prop key="redemption*">PROPAGATION_NOT_SUPPORTED</prop> <prop key="batchJobredemption*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW</prop> <prop key="changeTrustStatus*">PROPAGATION_NOT_SUPPORTED</prop> <prop key="port*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW</prop> <prop key="get*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,readOnly</prop> <prop key="*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,readOnly</prop> </props> </property> </bean>
Service Implementations --------------------------- <bean id="service" parent="txProxyTemplate"> <property name="target"> <bean class="com.merrill.mss.service.impl.ServiceImpl"> <property name="dao"><ref bean="dao"/></property> </bean> </property> </bean>
**Versions :- ================ Spring 3.0.3 Hibernate
Problem:- findObjectsWithParent_method1() and findObjectsWithParent_method2() is NOT behaving as expected. findObjectsWithParent_method1() is querying database and got Parent with 2 childs1 matching the date condition provided in HSQL. But findObjectsWithParent_method2() returns Parent with incorrect number of childs1.
I assume that after findObjectsWithParent_method1(), then transaction manager is not clearing the session cache.
I have tried to disable query cache , it did not help. If I remove OSIV , this functions works well as expected. I can't remove OSIV, since other pages breaks (bcoz of lazy).
Any thoughts?.. We are in kind of dead road.
Thank you Karthick