Hey Guys,
I'm having a problem with order by on hibernate I need to order by a sub-query aliased field but it is not using the proper alias so the sub-query aliased participants is generating a different sql alias for the selection but not for the sort by (which remains as participants) causing a SQL error.
Here are the queries
event.slug, event.title, event.description, event.tags, event.startDate, event.endDate, event.status, event.type, event.createdAt, event.scheduledTo, event.photo.url, event.photo.createdAt, event.photo.title, event.photo.description, event.photo.tags, event.photo.type, event.address.latitude, event.address.longitude, event.address.postalCode, event.address.region, event.address.street, event.address.number, event.address.note, event.address.addressType, event.address.phone, event.address.phoneContact, event.address.website, event.address.neighborhood, event.address.city.name, event.address.city.state.name, event.address.city.state.abbreviation, event.address.city.state.country.name, (select count(*) from com.orion.dc.model.EventParticipant as eventParticipant where eventParticipant.event.key = event.key) as participants, event.photo.key, event.address.key, event.address.city.key, event.address.city.state.key, event.address.city.state.country.key, event.key
from com.orion.dc.model.Event as event left join event.photo
left join event.address
left join event.address.city
left join event.address.city.state
left join event.address.city.state.country
event.status = 'published' and (event.type = 'public')
order by
order by participants
Generated SQL:
event0_.slug as col_0_0_,
event0_.title as col_1_0_,
event0_.description as col_2_0_,
event0_.tags as col_3_0_,
event0_.start_date as col_4_0_,
event0_.end_date as col_5_0_,
event0_.status as col_6_0_,
event0_.type as col_7_0_,
event0_.created_at as col_8_0_,
event0_.scheduled_to as col_9_0_,
photo1_.url as col_10_0_,
photo1_.created_at as col_11_0_,
photo1_.title as col_12_0_,
photo1_.description as col_13_0_,
photo1_.tags as col_14_0_,
photo1_.type as col_15_0_,
address2_.latitude as col_16_0_,
address2_.longitude as col_17_0_,
address2_.postal_code as col_18_0_,
address2_.region as col_19_0_,
address2_.street as col_20_0_,
address2_.number as col_21_0_,
address2_.note as col_22_0_,
address2_.address_type as col_23_0_,
address2_.phone as col_24_0_,
address2_.phone_contact as col_25_0_,
address2_.website as col_26_0_,
address2_.neighborhood as col_27_0_,
city4_.name as col_28_0_,
state7_.name as col_29_0_,
state7_.abbreviation as col_30_0_,
country11_.name as col_31_0_,
dc_events_event_participant eventparti42_
eventparti42_.event_id=event0_.event_id) as col_32_0_,
event0_.photo_id as col_33_0_,
event0_.address_id as col_34_0_,
address2_.city_id as col_35_0_,
city4_.state_id as col_36_0_,
state7_.country_id as col_37_0_,
event0_.event_id as col_38_0_
dc_events_event event0_
left outer join
dc_media_photo photo1_
on event0_.photo_id=photo1_.photo_id
left outer join
dc_geo_address address2_
on event0_.address_id=address2_.address_id
left outer join
dc_geo_city city4_
on address2_.city_id=city4_.city_id
left outer join
dc_geo_state state7_
on city4_.state_id=state7_.state_id
left outer join
dc_geo_country country11_
on state7_.country_id=country11_.country_id
and event0_.type='public'
order by
could this be a bug on hibernate?
If I manually include the generated alias (aka col_32_0_) with the order by it works, but as I add new fields to the query that will change, so not a permanent solution.
Ivanir Joao Kreuzberg