I'm getting "could not read column value from result set: clazz_; Invalid column name" when try to add entity of parent class to SQLQuery.
Must it be some problem with mapping?
More specifically:
class Recurrjobs extends Jobs ...
session.createSQLQuery("select * from jobs, recurrjobs where jbintn=100079576 and rjjbintn(+)=jbintn").addEntity(Recurrjobs.class).addEntity(Jobs.class).list();
will fail if Recurrjobs with rjjbintn=100079576 does not exist and will success otherwise.
In same time
session.createQuery("from Jobs where jbintn=100079576").uniqueResult();
works perfectly in both cases and will return either Recurrjobs or Jobs (if Recurrjobs record rjjbintn=100079576 does not exist).