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 Post subject: SEAM – TestNG – Integration Testing @In - entityManager
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:49 pm 

Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:47 pm
Posts: 1

I have been working on an integration test using TestNG. I have read through sections and followed examples in books such as Beginning JBoss Seam and Seam 2.X Web Development. I have also done numerous searches across this and other forums.

Despite my reading, I am unable to create an integration test that is able to persist and import @In components. I try to set the values in the updateModelValues() method but still have no luck. If I were to run the same test by removing persistence and @In then my test completes.

I have tried numerous things including editing components-test.properties and persistence-test.xml. Both of which now affect how the application runs regularly on the server. Editing these simply to get tests to work when the application works regularly I’d imagine surely cannot be right.

What am I doing wrong? From my understanding I should not have to do anything extra to get @In and EntityManager to work when I am extending SeamTest.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

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