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 Post subject: Wierd automatic rollback of Hibernate on Myism
PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 5:51 pm 

Joined: Sat May 15, 2010 5:46 pm
Posts: 1
Hi guys,

I am relatively new to Hibernate and have used it on my sites for last couple of weeks.

Recently, I have found out a weird rollback problem om select of Hibernate on 5.1 Myisam database.

If I have two processes, each opens a hibernate session to my db. One did update successfully on a row. Within a few seconds, the second process does select on that same row - lets say opening a detail page on a webpage requiring a select on just updated row, it would rollback the update immediately. Right now I have to wait after a few seconds for the rollback too *cool down* before I could visit the page w/o getting data rollbacked.

Any one has experienced this? Its Myisam - not sure why its rolling back lol.

Thanks in advance.

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